Armenian rice pilaf

Armenian Rice Pilaf Recipe; 2 Easy Recipes to Make Rice Pilaf

There is something about Armenian rice pilaf Recipe that makes it so special. It’s a simple dish that can be made quickly, and it’s perfect for a quick and easy meal. In this recipe, we’ll show you how to make a simple Armenian rice pilaf that is sure to please. Stay with Cooking County to make a delicious Armenian rice pilaf in two ways.

Try other delicious rice pilaf recipes from other countries:

armenian rice pilaf recipe

Armenian Rice Pilaf History

The origins of rice pilaf are indeed complex and intertwined with the culinary histories of several ancient civilizations. While it is difficult to attribute the invention of rice pilaf to a single culture or date, the Persian Empire significantly influenced the development and spread of this culinary technique.

The Armenians, along with many other cultures in the region, adopted and adapted these methods, making rice pilaf a staple of their cuisine. Thus, Armenian rice pilaf recipe embodies a rich history of cultural exchange and culinary evolution.

What are the Health Benefits of Armenian Rice Pilaf?

Armenian Rice Pilaf is a tasty dish that has been enjoyed for centuries worldwide. This traditional dish is packed with numerous health benefits, making it a popular choice in many households. Not only is Armenian Rice Pilaf full of flavor, but it also contains various nutrients that can help support a healthy lifestyle. From providing energy to promoting digestion, this pilaf has a lot to offer when it comes to nutrition.

Simple Armenian Rice Pilaf Recipe Guide


  • 150 grams rice 
  • 300 ml water 
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil 
  • ½ teaspoon salt 
  • ¼ teaspoon turmeric 


Step One

Wash the rice with cold water, then rinse it with a colander. Heat the olive oil in a pot, add the rice and stir until the oil coats each grain.

how to wash rice

Step Two

Pour boiled water over lightly fried rice. Add salt and turmeric. Cover the pot with a lid and reduce the heat. Cook the rice for 15-20 minutes until the water evaporates. 

Note: Do not open the lid or stir the rice while cooking.

Steep Three

After turning off the heat, leave the rice with the lid on the pot for another 15 minutes. Then, remove the lid and lightly mix the pilaf.

How to Serve Armenian Rice Pilaf?

This Armenian rice pilaf can be served with meat or fish. To make the rice tastier and more aromatic, cook it not with water but with vegetable broth. Apart from turmeric, you can add your favorite spices.

simple armenian rice dish

How to Make Armenian Rice with Raisins and almonds?


  • 200 grams rice 
  • Dry fruits (raisins, dried apricots) as needed
  • coarsely chopped almonds as needed
  • 70 grams onions 
  • 70 grams carrot 
  • 40 grams parsley 
  • 40 grams of vegetable oil 
  • 2 tablespoons sugar 
  • 1 tablespoon salt 
  • Pilaf spices to taste
  • 1 tablespoon barley (barberry) 
  • 1 head of garlic


Step One

Wash the rice several times until the water runs clear. Pour hot water over it and set aside.

soaked rice

Clean and prepare the vegetables. Finely chop the onion. Grate the parsley and carrot with a grater. If you want, you can cut them into half rings.

Step Two

Take a deep frying pan or pot with a non-stick bottom. Pour vegetable oil into it. Heat the pot on the stove.

Step Three

First, pour the carrot and parsley into the pot, then after a few minutes, add the onion—Cook for 5 minutes.

Step Four

Strain the water from the swollen rice and pour it over the vegetables. Mix, then add salt and a spoonful of sugar. Now add the well-washed barley along with the rest of the spices.

Step Five

Meanwhile, you should prepare the dry ingredients according to your preference. This recipe has dried apricots and raisins. 

Step Six

Cut the dried apricots (if they are large). Add dried fruits and raisins, add chopped almonds and pour water. The water should cover the rice and be one finger above its level. Put the lid on the pot and cook for about 30 minutes on very low heat.

Step Seven

Then, when the rice has absorbed all the water, put the head of garlic on top in the center. Put the lid back on, and steam for another 10 minutes.

How to Serve Armenian Rice with Raisins?

When the rice is ready, pour it into a dish and enjoy!

Armenian rice pilaf with carrot

FAQs about Armenian Rice Pilaf Recipe

  • How much time does Armenian rice pilaf need to get ready?

It takes about 50 minutes to get ready.

  • Can I add meat to Armenian rice pilaf?

Yes, you can add cooked meat such as chicken, lamb, or beef to the pilaf. mix in the cooked meat during the final stages of cooking.

  • Is Rice Pilaf Good for You?

Rice pilaf can be a nutritious and healthy dish depending on the ingredients used and the way it is prepared. Rice pilaf offers balanced nutrition with its carbohydrate-rich base, providing essential energy. Enhancing it with nuts, legumes, or lean meats boosts protein intake, while healthy oils or butter contribute necessary fats.

Armenian Rice Pilaf Recipe; 2 Easy Recipes to Make Rice Pilaf

Recipe by ShayanCourse: Main coursesCuisine: ArmenianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Wanna learn Armenian Rice Pilaf Recipe? Take advantage of these 2 easy recipes for rice pilaf! It’s a simple dish that can be made quickly.


  • 200 grams rice

  • Dry fruits (raisins, dried apricots) as needed

  • coarsely chopped almonds as needed

  • 70 grams onions

  • 70 grams carrot

  • 40 grams parsley

  • 40 grams of vegetable oil

  • 2 tablespoons sugar

  • 1 tablespoon salt

  • Pilaf spices to taste

  • 1 tablespoon barley (barberry)

  • 1 head of garlic


  • Wash the rice several times until the water runs clear. Pour hot water over it and set aside.
    soaked rice
    Clean and prepare the vegetables. Finely chop the onion. Grate the parsley and carrot with a grater. If you want, you can cut them into half rings.
  • Take a deep frying pan or pot with a non-stick bottom. Pour vegetable oil into it. Heat the pot on the stove.
  • First, pour the carrot and parsley into the pot, then after a few minutes, add the onion—Cook for 5 minutes.
  • Strain the water from the swollen rice and pour it over the vegetables. Mix, then add salt and a spoonful of sugar. Now add the well-washed barley along with the rest of the spices.
  • Meanwhile, you should prepare the dry ingredients according to your preference. This recipe has dried apricots and raisins.
  • Cut the dried apricots (if they are large). Add dried fruits and raisins, add chopped almonds and pour water. The water should cover the rice and be one finger above its level. Put the lid on the pot and cook for about 30 minutes on very low heat.
  • Then, when the rice has absorbed all the water, put the head of garlic on top in the center. Put the lid back on, and steam for another 10 minutes.
    When the rice is ready, pour it into a dish and enjoy!
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