rosewater recipe

Rosewater Recipe; Make Rosewater at Home+ Rosewater Syrup

When it comes to beauty, one ingredient that you can always count on is rosewater. This natural product has been used for centuries to help improve the complexion, soothe irritated skin, and even reduce inflammation. If you’re looking for a simple and easy way to make your rosewater at home, you only need a few ingredients and a little time.

rose water recipe

The History of Rosewater

Rosewater has been used for centuries in various cultures for its many benefits. The history of rosewater dates back to ancient times when the Egyptians used it as a perfume and skin care product. Cleopatra is said to have used rosewater to keep her skin looking young and radiant.

The Persians are also known for their love of rosewater and use it in various dishes and in their traditional medicine. Rosewater was introduced to Europe in the Middle Ages and has been used there ever since. In the Victorian era, rosewater was commonly used as a room fragrance and was even added to laundry soap to give clothes a pleasant smell.

Rosewater is still widely used in perfumes, cosmetics, soaps, and food. It is also used in some religious ceremonies and is believed to have healing properties.

Recipes with rosewater:

How to Make Rosewater at Home?


  • Damask rose as needed 
  • Water as needed 
  • Ice as needed


Step One

Separate the rose petals and put them in a bowl. To prepare rosewater, wash the flowers in a way that does not crush them and ensure they are completely clean. 

Step Two

We take a suitable-sized pot and place a metal or unbreakable bowl in the middle. This bowl does the most basic work for preparing rosewater at home. 

Step Three

Pour water into a kettle and put it on high heat. Then, add the roses to the pot. Notice that you should not put them in the bowl placed in the middle of the pot. 

Step Four

Pour boiling water on the flowers (the water should cover the flowers.) Place the lid upside down on the pot. 

Step Five

Put the pot on low heat. Place some ice on the pot’s lid and allow the rosewater to prepare by distillation method. Once you run out of ice, place them on the lid again. After the water in the pot is drained, turn it off.

how to make homemade rosewater

Your rosewater is ready. Pour it into a bottle and enjoy it!

How to Make Rosewater with RoseWater Machine?


  • Damask rose as needed
  • Water as needed


Step One

Separate the rose petals, wash them, and put them in a bowl. To make a rosewater machine at home, take a relatively large kettle. Then, connect a long pipe to the opening of the kettle and place the other side of the pipe into the other kettle. 

Step two

The rosewater machine is ready. Put the rose petals in the first kettle and pour water into the kettle until it covers the rose petals.

Step Three

Put the kettle containing the flowers on medium heat and put the other kettle in the ice water. In this way, rosewater is obtained by distillation.

persian rosewater golab

Your rosewater is ready. Pour it into a bottle and enjoy it! 

How to Make Rosewater Syrup?


  • 1 cup rosewater 
  • 1 cup water
  • 6 cups sugar
  • Food coloring or saffron as needed


Step One

To make rosewater syrup, pour water, sugar and rosewater into a pot and put it on the heat until it reaches the boiling point. 

Step Two

After a few minutes, reduce the heat and allow the syrup to boil on medium heat until it becomes a little consistent.

Step Three

After the syrup reaches your desired consistency, remove it from the heat, add food coloring or brewed saffron, and stir until it is well combined.

Step Four

Leave the syrup in the refrigerator for a few hours to cool, then pour it into a pitcher and pour the water onto it. If you want, add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to the rosewater syrup, pour some ice cubes, and serve cold.

persian Rosewater Syrup

FAQs about Rosewater

  • What are the benefits of rosewater?

Rosewater has been used for centuries in beauty and skincare products. It is made from the petals of roses and has many benefits for the skin. Rosewater can help to soothe and calm the skin, as well as reduce redness and inflammation. It is also a gentle cleanser that can remove makeup and dirt from the skin without stripping away its natural oils. Rosewater is suitable for all skin types, making it an excellent choice for sensitive skin.

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