Isfahan poolaki recipe

Poolaki Recipe; 2 Recipes for Making Persian Hard Sugar Candy

Poolaki is one of the most delicious candies in Isfahan city. This candy became known as Poolaki because of its coin-like appearance (Pool in Persian means money.) In Isfahan, people eat Poolaki with tea and believe it causes less damage to the teeth because it is less sweet than sugar, provided that it is not chewed. 

Poolaki is prepared with different flavors, including saffron, sesame, pistachio, ginger, etc. It is one of the national monuments of Isfahan. Preparing Poolaki is easy; you can prepare it at home with a few ingredients and enjoy serving it with tea. Stay with Cooking County to make this delicious Persian caramelized hard sugar candy.

Persian poolaki recipe

How to Make Poolaki?


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup grape vinegar 
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon dissolved saffron


Step One

First, put the sugar, water and vinegar in a suitable pan so that the sugar dissolves in the water. 

how to make sugar candy

Note: You should not stir the mixture too much on high heat.

Step Two

Add the saffron to the ingredients when the sugar is completely dissolved in water and vinegar. 

To ensure that Poolaki is ready, you can pour some of the Poolaki mixtures onto the ice. If the mixture becomes hard quickly and becomes crispy and brittle, your candy is ready. 

how to make poolaki

Step Three

Now, remove the pan from the heat. Pour the Poolaki mixture in the circled shape onto the oil paper you have greased before (You can do it with the help of a soup spoon.) Now, set the candies aside and let them cool.

Step Four 

Remove the Poolaki from the tray with the help of a clean spoon or a spatula. The smaller the thickness of the candies, the faster they dry, and the more delicious they will be. 

saffron poolaki

How to Prepare Poolaki without Vinegar?

Poolaki is like homemade candy without an oven, which can be prepared at home with different methods and flavors. In the above, we taught how to prepare Poolaki using vinegar, which may not be suitable for some people’s tastes. So in the following, we plan to teach how to prepare Poolaki without vinegar.


  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 150 grams butter
  • Sesame as needed 
  • Melted saffron as needed


Step One

First, put the butter, honey and sugar in a small pot and put it on the heat until the ingredients melt and reach the boiling point.

Step Two

After the mixture reaches the desired consistency, add melted saffron and mix. For a better taste, you can also use 2 spoons of rose water which depends on your taste.

Step Three

Then add the sesame seeds to the mixture and allow the sesame seeds to cook for a few minutes. After a few minutes, reduce the heat.

Persian caramelized hard sugar candy recipe

Note: You should not stir the ingredients too much during cooking.

Step Four

Now, cover a steel tray with oil paper and grease it. Using a spoon, pour the ingredients in the shape of small circles onto the tray, and set them aside to cool.

Step Five

Remove the Poolaki from the tray with the help of a clean spoon or a spatula. The smaller the thickness of the candies, the faster they dry, and the more delicious they will be.

How to Serve Poolaki?

You can eat Poolaki as a flavoring with tea or coffee and enjoy its unique taste. Do not forget to make this recipe and share it with us. If you also have any related questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Persian caramelized hard sugar candy

Note: The recipe given for preparing Poolaki is essential. You can add cardamom, dried lime powder, pistachio slices, ginger, and any addition you want and prepare a special Poolaki.

FAQs about Poolaki

  • How much time does Poolaki take to get ready?

It takes 1 hour to get ready.

  • What is Poolaki made of?

It is made with water, sugar, vinegar, and saffron.

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